The 24 Books Everyone Should Re-Read

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A friend recommended a Joe Rogan episode with Naval Ravikant. One of the things he said is that it’s better to read 100 good books over and over again than ‘collecting’ reads.

He also said that there’s no need to finish a book; just read it until you get the point.

I’ve also heard Alex Hermozi, among others, also say that it is better to read just a few books over and over again so you really instill the lessons in you.

On the flip side, there are those that advocate for reading widely, such as Warren Buffett.

So here is my compromise.

I aim to narrow down my top 24 picks for books covering success in different areas of life which most people can relate to. Things like relationships, finance, and health, as opposed to specific skill learning, such as woodwork or coding.

As you may already know, I use AI to help summarize books. From those summaries, the ones that pique interest I'll read in full; and if they make the cut, I’ll put them on this list and give my personal, more in-depth notes.

Why 24 and not 100?

It’s reading 2 books a month for a year.

That means that the written version of this post will be updated periodically.

So without further ado, here are my top 24 books that I think everyone should read, and then re-read. It’s not exactly 24 yet as I am still refining them.

You will notice that some of the subjects have several books. That’s because I haven't read them all and am yet to choose which one I feel is the best.

The other reason is that some of them are series of books, though I count them as one.

In today’s PC era, perhaps some of the ideas from this won’t sit right with everyone, but you can't change facts.

As a guy, I felt this gave me good insight into how women think differently. I also feel that the description of how men think was pretty accurate and women will benefit from that.

‘Fight Right’ is another book in this subject that could be a contender, though I haven't read it yet.

This book lays out a pretty good system for learning new skills.

‘The 4-Hour Chef’ is another one I want to read to see how it stacks up. I’m a fan of Tim Ferriss and would have read this sooner had I not thought it was just about cooking until recently.

Health: Protocols

This hasn’t been released yet but I feel it will be the seminal book on health and fitness since it will be based on Huberman's knowledge after interviewing all the top experts in each field.

I’m yet to read this but I hear people talk about it all the time.

Others I’m considering for this spot are Alex Hermosis trilogy, that is yet to be completed, and Russell Brunson's Trilogy, though that is more specific to funnels.

This is another one I haven’t read but hear about all the time. Another book that is big in this space is ‘Ogilvy on Advertising.’

Yet another book I am yet to read but hear about a lot.

Negotiation: Getting to Yes

The other one I would consider here is by the same author: ‘Getting Past No.

I haven’t read either of them yet.

A self-help classic, and as far as I’m concerned, still the best. Almost all self help books say the same thing, and this was the original.

Another classic that I’ve been re-reading for the last couple of decades. I still learn something new every time I read it.

Lifestyle by Design: The 4-Hour Work Week

This was a life-changing book for me as it showed me that you don’t have to live by societal norms if you don’t want to.

Another classic that I’ve been re-reading for the last couple of decades. Like ‘The 7 Habits’, I still learn something new every time I read it.

Business Ideas: Million Dollar Weekend

Other than Protocols, this is probably one of the most recent books on this list. A must-read for those wanting to have a go at becoming an entrepreneur.

Business Systems: E-Myth

Once you have your business idea validated, learn how to structure it for long term success.

Business Finance: Profit First

A million dollars in revenue means nothing if you have a million and one dollars in expenses. This book lays out a system to ensure you get paid from your entrepreneurial efforts.

Personal Wealth: Your Money or Your Life

I am currently reading this. If I feel it’s not good perhaps I’ll revert to ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ or the one from that guy on Netflix, but so far it’s decent.

Thinking: The Great Mental Models (Volumes 1, 2, and 3)

This is a three in one. There are many, many useful lessons in this trilogy.

I’m not a parent, but I feel learning these lessons would be helpful for dealing with kids regardless.

The other contender is ‘How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk.’

I’m yet to read either of them.

This is a timeless classic, though I haven’t actually read it.

I’m also interested in ‘She Comes First’ though it would be mainly for men to read. I would have to ask around about what is good for women to read in that case.

A super famous book that I’m yet to read.

Well, that’s all I’ve got so far. In a year or so I will finalize this list and repost it. Until then, I’m guessing along the way I’ll be sharing my notes after reading each one.

Value Investing:

The Intelligent Investor

Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond

Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders, 2023

Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings

Combat: The Art of War

First read this when my dream was to become a ninja - at about 10.

I never became a ninja, but the lessons from this book are timeless and applicable to almost any area of life if you think about it for a bit.


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