The Art of Repurposing Content

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Posts are also available in audio/visual format on Youtube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts.

When creating a survival kit, you generally want to include things that are multi-purpose.

For example, paracord can be used as a spare shoelace, to repair clothing, to make traps, and as fishing line, just to name a few.

This same principle can be used in business, and life in general.

Whatever you create, aim to get the most use out of it as possible.

With a little creativity, you may be surprised how far things can go.

For example, I wrote this blog post, but I don’t just use it for a blog post. It turns into a podcast and a YouTube video. I could also use bits of it as tweets and status updates on other platforms.

If I had a niche website and wrote many posts all revolving around the same subject, I could easily put the most popular ones together, and with not too much effort, compile the information into a book.

From there, I can break the chapters up, turn each one into a lesson, record it, and then sell it as a video course.

I could also get a chapter, reword it to become a blog post, which then can become a podcast, YouTube video, and so on.

The main point of each chapter may turn into a checklist, which I can give away as a lead magnet.

At the outset, this may seem lazy, and I guess in a way it is, but not at the detriment of your audience.

People consume content and learn in different ways. Not everyone wants to read a blog. I personally prefer podcasts, and many people love to listen and read at the same time, hence the subtitled YouTube videos.

In the same vein, some people like to read books, and others prefer online courses.

I personally see repurposing content as a win-win situation. Your audience gets the option to consume your content in their preferred manner, and you get to save time by not having to create new content all the time.


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