I May Have Found a Miracle Cure for Ulcerative Colitis ...

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So this is my first real post and I've decided to come right out the gate with a personal health issue, and with it, a lesson to everyone out there.

Today I went for a colonoscopy. It's my second one in 3 years. Trust me, I'm not doing this for fun. Far from it. But 3 years ago I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, and the doctor said to get a check-up in two years, so I'm a year late.

Apparently, having Ulcerative Colitis makes you more susceptible to bowel cancer... which I'm shit scared of (pun intended.)

The thing is, I think I could have easily avoided this if I had gone to the doctor way back when I had the first symptoms of H. Pylori, which although is not considered a direct precursor to Ulcerative Colitis, just getting checked out back then could have caught things earlier.

I got diagnosed with H. Pylori in Kenya during Covid, but I'm pretty sure I contracted it years earlier in India. Back then I had a bias towards street food - something Im a lot more careful about these days.

Unfortunately, I never bothered seeing the doctor, although I had the symptoms of H. Pylori for YEARS!

Yes, I'm an idiot.

I have the Ulcerative Colitis under control. The doctor prescribed my Mezacline, which I took for months. But I don't like pharmaceuticals so I stopped them and was fine for quite a while.

Sometimes I get flare ups and it isn't great, but thankfully I have a mild case and a week on the meds clears it up. Also, I eat well. I notice a difference if I'm eating shit.

Last year, during a flare up, I discovered a company called Evinature which is a Curcumin based natural formulae for helping with IBD, Ulcerative Colitis, and other similar issues. It worked a treat. Within 3 days symptoms totally dissapeared and havent come back. And since it is natural, I take that stuff everyday. Its not too expensive either. I think it works out to about $2 a day.

So, I guess there are a few lessons to learn from this.

1. Go see your doctor. Prevention is way better than cure. And if you have any symptoms at all, don't delay. The earlier you catch something the easier it is to cure.

2. Watch what you eat. And I don't mean just street food in foreign countries. All the pre-packaged crap causes a lot of problems.

3. If you have a bowel issue like IBD or Ulcerative Colitis, try out Evinature. I have no affiliation with them. Im just a happy user: https://evinature.com/

Okay, until next time.


P.S. The doctor said he sees no sign of Ulcerative Colitis, which is incredible because it is considered a chronic disease. But I have had flare ups recently which could mean two things in my mind. Either the first diagnosis was wrong or Evinature is way better than I thought.

I sent some biopsies off to get tested so when I get the results the Doctor will tell me more. I guess there will be an update to this in a week or so.


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