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You can’t please everyone…
And nor should you.
In fact, getting women to quickly realize whether they are sexually attracted to you or not is the name of the game.
The first thing you need to do is find a way to filter out all the women in the world that are not a good match for you.
In order to do this, you need to clearly define what it is you want.
What type of women are you attracted to?
This is by YOUR standards, and not what you think will impress your friends and family.
What kind of woman will make you happy?
Once you have a clear picture of the type of woman that you want, you can automatically eliminate many women you see on the street. If you don't find a woman attractive, leave her alone.
When you first meet a woman, a good thing to ask her is:
“What’s your favorite thing in the world?”
Her answer to this will tell you two things which you can use to screen her.
First, it will reveal how passionate and self-aware she is about her life.
Second, it will tell you if you have anything in common.
If a woman is not passionate about something in life, well, I guess that’s a personal choice whether you want someone like that or not.
For the second, if you uncover common interests, it will give you something to talk about.
For the vast majority of men, the biggest hurdle when it comes to women is the fear of rejection.
But rejection is your friend.
When you approach a strange woman and she rejects you, it’s a good thing.
It’s her screening herself out of your life. It saves you time.
Why would you ever want to be with someone who doesn't want you back?
You can divide all women up into three categories based on the level of attractiveness they feel towards you.
For whatever reason, she is not sexually attracted to you.
You can tell if a woman is unreceptive because she doesn’t reciprocate your signs of interest or actively gives you signs of disinterest, such as not making time to hang out with you or talking to you about her boyfriend or husband.
Do not waste your time here. You want to identify unreceptive women and move on as quickly as possible.
If you are unsure whether a girl is attracted to you or not, ask her out using a statement of implied sexual interest. For example:
“I find you attractive. Want to grab a drink sometime?”
Receptive women are sexually attracted to you. You can recognize this if she reciprocates your signs of interest or initiates her own.
When a woman is receptive, or once she becomes receptive, assuming you are interested in her too, you need to physically escalate to show signs of interest.
Do this quickly otherwise she may become unreceptive.
Unlike men, who typically decide quickly if they are sexually interested in a woman or not, women often need more time to decide.
This is their neutral phase. In this phase they may not turn you down, but they will also not make any forward moves on their own.
But they never stay in this phase. They will eventually polarize to either unreceptive or receptive.
You need to get them to decide either one way or the other. You do this by showing signs of interest through your words and actions. Flirt with her while demonstrating that you are non-needy and frictionless.
Whether she becomes receptive or not is not as important as you knowing which one she is, so show interest early on.
Besides, if you take too long to show signs of sexual interest, a woman will usually become unreceptive and you will be put in “the friend zone,” which is almost impossible to get out of.
Here are some things women do to show you she is receptive.
Women initiating with men is uncommon. It is up to you to show interest and then discern whether she is neutral or receptive.
For example, if you touch a neutral woman she will act as if you are not touching her at all. If she is receptive, however, she may lean closer into you or touch you back.
The number of women who start out receptive to you will increase depending on your lifestyle, social status, and looks.
The number of women you can move from neutral to receptive is dependent on how well you can communicate and express yourself with women—or how much ‘game’ you have.
Once a woman has gotten to know you, you want her to be excited to be with you.
If she isn’t, then move on. Why would you want to be with someone who isn’t happy to be with you?
If a woman goes from receptive or neutral to unreceptive, move on. You can be friends if you want, but don’t waste your time with sexual advances.
Trying to go from friends to romance is a massive waste of time.
You need to get a woman to either be responsive or unresponsive, and while doing this you WILL get rejected.
But you can’t have it both ways.
Getting rejected is the only way to filter through women in order to find those that are receptive to you.
Do not fall into being the ‘nice guy’ who pleases everyone. This guy is in the friend zone for everyone, and he is there because he is needy.
The more open and honest you are about who you are and how you feel towards a woman the better. This approach weeds out unreceptive women while uncovering those that are receptive, and it also pushes neutral women to decide how they feel about you.
Additionally, everything you do that is polarizing is more attractive to potentially receptive women. As long as what you do and say is true to who you are, you can do no wrong. It actually prevents you from attracting women that are no good for you while attracting those who are.
And even those that aren’t attracted to you will respect you for being honest with yourself.
When you first meet a woman you are attracted to, show signs of sexual interest quickly and ask her out.
The longer you wait, the more likely you will be put in the friend zone.
And if she rejects you straight-out, then good. You have saved yourself a lot of time and can move on with a clear mind that at least you tried.
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