Models Introduction: Movement

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I’ve never really understood women.

I think that’s true for most (if not all) men.

But I’ve always been interested in them. This is also true for most heterosexual men.

In my 20s I tried to rectify this so I read all the top ‘Pick-up Artist’ (PUA) books, such as The Game.

The advice in those books did get me laid, but to be honest, being a “pick-up artist” just doesn’t fit my personality.

20 years later I’ve decided I need to up my dating game. I was going to go back to those old PUA books, because I thought that’s all there was.

But then I came across Models by Mark Manson.

Models is not the same as the other PUA books out there. It’s a game-changer.

Advice For Everyone

Models is primarily written to help heterosexual men get better with women.

However, anyone that reads this book will get value from it.

Although some examples and specific advice won’t directly apply to female and LGBT readers, the concepts and core principles can be applied to almost any type of romantic relationship.

The Man’s Role

It wasn’t that long ago when it was the norm that the husband was the breadwinner and the wife took care of the home.

These days, those lines have blurred… a lot. Especially in Western culture.

This is not a bad thing. However, it has created a void. Men no longer have a clear picture of what they should be or how they should act to be attractive to females.

Models aims to clear up that confusion.

Changing Your Paradigm

The strategy outlined in Models doesn’t rely on scripts, pick-up lines, peacocking, or any of the other PUA tricks that get you to pretend to be something you are not.

But you will have to make some changes. Regardless of what society thinks is politically correct these days, men are expected to initiate all phases of courtship, and if you are not confident when you do it, it will show and women will be turned off.

The internal shift you will go through while reading this book will help you get past those fears and anxieties. By the time you are through, you will not pretend to be confident and good with women. You will be.

You will learn how to be attractive using your own style and personality.

The Art of Seduction

Being good with women has little to do with the words that come out of your mouth, and almost everything to do with the feeling you give them.

This feeling starts from within and radiates out. For example, if you are anxious, it makes people around you anxious, and when you are confident and relaxed, it has the same effect on others.

Seduction is the interplay of emotions and your actions speak much louder than words.

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