Photos from the UK

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I think the last time I was in the United Kingdom was over 10 years ago.

I had a working holiday visa and went there for a couple of years after summer camp.

First, I lived in Oxford to be near my girlfriend. I worked the night shift at a car parts factory. It was cold, I didn’t gel well with the locals, and things didn't work out with the girl anyway.

The second year, I moved up to Newcastle. It was even colder, but I got along well with the Geordies, once I figured out what they were saying. I worked in a small cafe making pizzas and sandwiches. I have fond memories of my time there.

None of the following photos are from either Oxford or Newcastle. I guess I didn’t take any. Rather, they are from some of the places I traveled to while there.

1 Alnwick

This is a castle in a small town called Alnwick. Do you recognize it? It is in the Harry Potter films as well as many other TV shows.

Alnwick also has beaches and one of the largest second-hand bookstores in Britain.


This is a view of the city of Edinburgh in Scotland. Edinburgh is a cool city. I remember it mainly from the original Trainspotting movie.

3 Nottingham

I had a friend who lived in Nottingham and while walking through it I came across this building which claims to be the oldest inn in England.

You can also see Robin Hood’s Oak not too far from the town.


I had another friend from the town of Petworth. This photo was taken on the standard dull day in England on a really old phone camera, which is why it is so dark.

I’ll be visiting London for the first time in about a decade, for a few days after camp this year. I'll catch up with my cousin and some old friends. Hopefully, I’ll get some better photos too.


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