The Power of Compounding Content

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For anyone who aspires to earn a passive income online, I have one piece of advice…

Start sharing content.

This is something I wish I had started a decade ago.

Or more accurately, it is something I wish I had continued doing from when I first started blogging, which was almost a decade ago.

Just like compounding interest when investing, if you start sharing content now and keep it up consistently, eventually you will have a money making machine.

It probably won’t happen within weeks. In fact, it’s more likely to take months or years to start reaping the benefits, but it will be worth it.

Start doing it even if you have no business idea or specific niche you want to go into.

And even if you don’t want to be ‘public’.

There are ways to do it anonymously. I do. Sam Fury is not my real name, and the Sam Fury profile image is AI-generated!

In my opinion, there are 3 places to put your content.

Blogging, YouTube, and Podcasting—let’s call these long-form socials or platforms. For other platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, or Tik Tok, I will refer to them collectively as short-form socials or platforms.

Okay, there are a few reasons I like long-form socials over short-form.

Firstly, I think posts on long-form platforms have more staying power. For example, when you post content on short-form socials, generally it gets shown for a period of time, and then disappears into the post graveyard.

Conversely, when you post on long-form platforms, the content tends to mature and compound over time.

This assumes you’re not ‘going viral,’ which does happen, but is subjective and unless you are an expert, it is not something that generally happens. For most people, it’s a black swan.

The second reason I prefer long-form socials is that the audience tends to be of higher value. By higher value I mean they earn more and are more likely to consume more of your content.

And lastly, long-form platforms seem easier to monetize.

In fact, especially with blogging and YouTube, you can make a post to promote your product and get paid by advertisers at the same time. You are literally getting paid to promote your own product, or someone else's through affiliate marketing!

And even if you don’t want to do that, you can make a pretty good living just from selling ad space.

But it takes time to grow, so start now!

First, pick your platform.

If you love creating videos, post on YouTube.

If you are a talker, start a podcast.

And if you prefer writing, like me, start a blog.

Once you have decided, make a promise to yourself to post one thing a day for at least 100 days.

To reiterate, it doesn’t matter what you are posting about. You will find your voice as you go.

Don’t worry about algorithms, keyword research, or anything that will create friction against you actually posting. You can dial that in later if you want. The important thing is to be consistent.

Also, don’t worry if your posts are bad. To be honest, they probably will be at the start. But no-one is going to see it anyway. It takes time to grow an audience, and you can always delete early posts later on down the line once you have settled into your style.

I also think it is a good idea to make it a personal brand, such as Sam Fury, as opposed to a business brand, such as the Survival Fitness Plan.

I made the mistake of creating separate platforms for every niche I was interested in. This technically may be better for marketing in the long run, but to be honest, niching in is overrated unless you want to be in the top 10 percent of your field.

Personally, I’d rather not be constrained to any specific niche. I honestly think there’s enough of a playing field out there that you can still make a small fortune without niching in.

Instead of having different socials for every endeavor, it’s easier to have one personal brand and categorize different posts. Essentially, you are your niche and you’re allowed to have multiple interests.

To finish, let me say that I’m definitely no expert in social media marketing, so everything I have said may be complete rubbish. Though I do form a lot of these opinions from listening to actual marketing experts, such as Russell Brunson and Gary Vee.

Either way, the original advice still stands.

If you want to earn a passive income online, start sharing content now. Be consistent and don’t stop.


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