The #1 Rule to Ensure Your Success

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Whatever it is you want to do, start doing it.

Easy to say, but for some, very hard to do.

First, you need to decide what it is you want to do. I have no specific angle here, such as choosing a career, or deciding where to go on your next vacation, or learning to play guitar. It is all just in general. So let’s assume you already know what it is you want to achieve.

Having decided your 'end point', you now need a plan of action. Finding that plan of action requires you to act.

Where will you find it?

Back before the internet, we’d go to the library and find a book. Or perhaps take a class. Those options are still very valid today.But now, of course, we also have the internet.

Whatever it is you want to do, there’s a very high chance someone has done it and published how to do it either on Youtube or via a blog. You can learn almost anything to an above average level these days, for free!

Once you have found your plan of action, or blueprint, or roadmap, or whatever else you want to call it, you need to follow it.

Don’t make excuses. Don’t start next week. Start today - start now.

And make a promise to yourself that you will continue following the plan every day.

Even if you just do one small thing a day, it moves the needle. Small actions compound, and over time they can have big results.

They can change your life.

For example, let’s say you want to lose weight.

Going from eating shit three meals a day and zero exercise to following Andrew Huberman’s daily regime is a big leap, and understandably, many people will give up.

So don’t do that.

Instead, try just replacing your donut breakfast with a protein shake and go for a 10 minute walk each day.

Keep that up for a few weeks and you will notice the difference.

Before you know it, your walks will get longer, and may even turn into jogs. You will also probably start eating healthier for other meals too.

This time next year, you'll sleep better, have more energy, think more clearly, and people will be commenting on how good you look.

This can be applied to pretty much ANYTHING you want to achieve.

Many people want all the information before they start.

It’s just a form of procrastination.

They think because they are learning about it that they are taking action. But you really only need to learn about the next step to take.

Learn the next step, do it, learn the next step, do that.

Another reason many people don’t take action is because they are afraid of failure.

Of course, it is true that if you try to do something, you might fail.

But so what?

At the very least, you will have learned how not to do it. Which means your chance of success next time is greater.

On the flip side, if you don’t do something, you definitely won’t achieve whatever it is you want to achieve.

In short, taking action is 100% required for success, and not taking action ensures failure.

So bite the bullet, and as goes the Nike slogan…

Just Do It!


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