Sam Fury’s Exercise Protocols

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Everyone knows that exercise is important, especially if you don’t have a very physical job.

When people ask me about exercise, I usually tell them to do 30 minutes of vigorous physical activity a day. Something you enjoy that makes you sweat.

I honestly believe this is a good answer for the majority of people who want to start exercising. When you enjoy what you are doing, it takes a lot of the ‘pain’ many people associate with exercise.

Would you rather run on a treadmill for half-hour or play a game of netball with your mates?

Both are valid options.

However, every now and again people ask me specifics about what I do personally. So this post is designed to be something I can point them to. It will outline my routine without going into the nitty gritty of why I do each thing.

My personal exercise routine follows the standard 7-day week and includes 2 days of VO2 max training, 3 days of strength, 1 day of zone 2 cardio, and an active recovery day.

Day One is sprint training using 1-minute sprints followed by a 4-minute jog repeated 4 times. If I’m short on time I use REHIT with a 60 second sprint followed by a 3 minute slow walk repeated 2 or 3 times.

Day 2 is strength training. I put on a weight vest and do the following exercises in this order.

5 pull-ups, 10 full squats, 20 push-ups, 15 single leg calf raises with each leg, 5 chin-ups, and 10 broad jumps without weight.

Repeat this 3-to-5 times using as much weight as needed where you can do 5 pull-ups in good form, but struggle on the sixth and can’t do a seventh.

On Day 3 I swim freestyle for 1 kilometer. This starts with an underwater swim for as long as I can.

Day 4 is strength training again. The same routine as day 2.

Day 5 is sprint training, day 6 is strength training, and day 7 is an active recovery day.

Active recovery usually consists of some sort of massage. If I have access to it, I’ll do hot-cold contrast therapy as well as ice baths on strength training days.

Every session starts with a 5 to 10 minute warm-up and ends with a yoga style stretching cool down followed by 10 minutes of either Wim Hof Breathing or Yoga Nidra body scanning.

I also walk at least 30 minutes late in the afternoon as the sun drops into dusk.

That’s pretty much my exercise routine in a nutshell.

Of course, exercise is just one-part of living a healthy lifestyle. You also need to think about nutrition, stress management, sleep, and other things.

If you want to learn all my healthy habits, check out the Stack Healthy Habits program:


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