Sam's Plan Step 2: Decide Where to Live

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Building a homestead isn’t something I just came up with.

It’s been at the back of my mind for years, and everywhere I go I think to myself, “Is this somewhere I could live?”

Every now and then the answer is “yes,” so I give it a go.

One time I even bought land!

Unfortunately, I just wasn’t ready to settle down, but I now feel I have a much clearer goal and determination.


There are several major things for me to consider when choosing where to build the homestead.

1. Can I stay long term?

I know that technically I could live almost anywhere if I have enough money or marry in, but the easier and cheaper things are the better.

2. Can I buy land?

I can’t build a homestead without land to build it on, and though there are usually workarounds, many countries won’t allow foreigners to buy land.

3. Can I grow the things I want?

Some climates are better for growing certain foods. I haven’t thought too deeply about this as I figure I can control the climate using greenhouses and other methods, but ideally I would like to keep things as simple as possible.

Some things I really want to grow are blueberries, broccoli, spinach, and tomatoes.

4. Can I swim in the ocean?

Not only does this mean I live near the coast, it also means the ocean is calm enough to swim in.

Also, I like snorkeling, so there should be some marine life about too.

5. What is the climate like?

Ideally, I like it warm, though that may directly conflict with the things I want to grow so I will need to be flexible.

With these things in mind, I have narrowed it down to several options.


I am Australian, and Australians can also live and work in New Zealand without restriction, but neither of these countries is suitable for one reason.

They are too expensive. I don’t want to have to wait until I have saved a million dollars to buy land near the beach in one of these countries. Yes, being near the sea is important to me, and no, I will not take on debt.


My mother is Colombian, which makes me a dual citizen.

Colombians also have strong ties with other Latin American countries, which opens up more options for where I can live and work without much restriction.

I like Colombia, and I have lived there for more than six months at a time on several occasions, but ultimately I can’t see myself living there permanently.

Also, it’s very far from Australia.

The Philippines

The Philippines is the country I have spent the most time in during my adult life. I think it was the only Asian country under Spanish rule for a period of time, so it has all the Asian culture but with a Spanish twist. It is a very unique place.

I really love the Philippines. I like the culture, the people, the countryside, and it is cheap. The biggest hurdle here is that I am not a citizen, but that can be overcome with money and paperwork.

There are two other big issues with the Philippines. The first is that foreigners are not allowed to own land, but they are allowed to rent it for 75 years, so that isn’t really an issue. The Philippines is one of those places where there are always work-arounds.

The other issue is the weather. They get a lot of big storms, which can, and do, wipe out whole villages.

Sad as that is, even small storms will knock out the internet, water supply, and electricity for hours, if not days, including in Manila, the capital. It’s worse when you get out of the city, and I would certainly be living rurally.


My last option is Georgia.

Georgia has only recently appeared on my radar as a viable option for my project, though I have never been there.

From research it has a number of advantages. As an Australian, I am allowed to stay there for a year visa free.

The two downsides for me would be the language barrier and the weather.

Georgian is unlike any other language, but nothing is impossible to learn. Also, with English and Google Translate, not speaking the local language doesn’t hinder me with day-to-day activities, though it would be nice to be able to communicate fluidly with the locals.

As for the weather, I dislike the cold. I did a quick check and it seems that near the coast, where I would want to live, has short winters and rarely gets below freezing. I think I could deal with that for a couple of months a year, or more likely, I will just travel during that time.

Narrowing it Down

Considering all the above, I am leaning heavily towards either the Philippines or Georgia.

I could easily see myself living in the Philippines.

I have not yet been to Georgia, but with the ability to buy land, the relatively cheap cost of living, and a one year visa free entry, it looks great on paper. Of course, I can’t make a decision until I actually go and live there. Fortunately, I am heading there in a couple of weeks to check it out.

The Chosen Land

After living in Georgia for the past 2 weeks I have decided I could not stay here, mainly because of the weather.

I'm sure it is amazing in summer, but I want somewhere I will be happy year round. Currently here it is constantly raining and cold.

Also, people don't seem to smile much here.

But you know where people do love to smile...

The Philippines.

And it is warm all year round. Even when it's raining it's warm.

After years of searching I've come to realize that I will never find the perfect place to live. But for me, the Philippines comes very close.

But Where Exactly???

So I have chosen the Philippines. But there are still many options within the Philippines.

There are certain things I want access to. Hiking, snorkeling without having to get on a boat, and not too far from modern conveniences should the need arise, so I asked AI to suggest some places.

There are a few that fit my criteria, but one has stuck out for me: Bohol.

I've actually been there before a couple of times, but only for a couple of days.

So I guess that's where I will be going next.


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