Sam's Plan Step 3: Find a Partner

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Now that I have narrowed down what country to live in (the Philippines), it’s time to get serious about finding a partner.

Fortunately, I love Filipinas!

In fact, and this is a massive generalization and also a highly personal preference, I find Filipinas to be some of the most caring, easy-going, and prettiest girls in the world.

The Problem I Have With Women

Like most men, I love women.

But in that statement also lies the problem…

Loving too many women.

That makes me sound like a player. I am far from it.

In fact, I really don’t date much at all.

I don’t have very much “game” and I’m an introvert.

People that meet me probably wouldn’t say so. I’ve got no problem talking to friends. It’s actually going out and making friends I dislike. I spend a lot of time traveling and working alone, and I like it that way.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve had girlfriends before, and I get along well with most women I meet.

I was even engaged to be married once!

But the mixture of loving to travel AND loving different women… Well, I'll let you solve that equation.

What’s The Solution?

Honestly, I think now that I don’t want to travel so much and actually want to settle down, once I find someone I won’t find it difficult to commit.

Finding someone is the issue. I will need to get out of my comfort zone.

Back in my 20s I, like most young men, got into the whole “Pickup Artist” literature. I was never very good at it, but it did help me get laid every once in a while.

The original plan was to re-read some of those books, such as The Game, but as I was searching through Amazon I came across a book called Models. It piqued my interest specifically because I remember hearing one of the guys from the My First Million podcast talk about it.

To be honest, the whole Pickup Artist movement was quite toxic. It was basically pretending to be someone you are not in order to manipulate women to sleep with you.

Instead, Models is more about you working on yourself. It does have some specifics like how to spot signs of interest, but it doesn’t suggest using semi-manipulative tactics or get you to try to be someone you’re not.

Anyway, this is not a book review. The point is that I will follow the advice from Models and not bother with any of the “Pickup Artist” books.

Beyond the Pick-up

My goal is not to date many women. On the contrary. My aim is to find one girl to settle down with.

But that doesn’t mean I’ll stop once I find someone.

In order to keep the relationship strong, I will re-read the timeless classic Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus.

There is also a book called Fight Right which deals with navigating conflict in couples.

I also feel that many books I will read in the marketing space will help me in this general field of dealing with people in a positive manner.

In the Bedroom

Sex is important.

I’m not terrible at it, but there’s always room for improvement.

I’ve chosen three books to revise in this department.

Looking Forward

I know I’m jumping the gun a bit here, but I also have some books lined up for when I have kids.

Even if I don’t have kids, I think these will be useful to read for dealing with kids in general. After all, I spend two months a year at an American summer camp.


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