The Message Game Summary: Chapter 1

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I have NEVER had a meaningful relationship with someone I met in the pub or just randomly talked to on the street.

In fact, the vast majority of the girlfriends I have had I’ve either met in a work-related situation or through online dating. This is probably because I’m not that outgoing and too shy to cold approach women.

Since I am rarely in work related situations these days, I figure the first thing I should do is up my online dating game, which is why I have chosen to read The Message Game.

There are a lot of examples of messages the author sends to girls with short breakdowns of why he says what he says. I think the idea is to not directly copy his lines, though that is probably a good start.

Instead, after reading and understanding all the examples, you will be able to do it on your own.

The Spontaneous Line

“Let’s Skip all the bullshit. How spontaneous are you?”

This gives a sense of urgency and gets her involved while screening her at the same time.

After she responds you can ask for her number with something like “Awesome. Got WhatsApp?”

What Is The First Thing You Need To Do?

First, forget everything you think you know about messaging girls.

Many people think it is better to get to know each other first by text. It is not. It is far better to meet in person, and that is what you need to focus on.

Ask Her Out

Ask a simple question, directly aiming at doing some kind of activity.

For example, “Do you want to check out the antique car show on Thursday?”

If she agrees, follow up with something like “What time do you want to meet and is there anything else you wanted to do?”

The Adventurous Line

“Let’s skip all the bullshit. How adventurous are you?”

Very similar to the spontaneous line.

He follows up with “Can you name 3 things you want to do on our first date?”

This tells him exactly what she would like to do, making it very easy to take her out on a date she will actually enjoy.

At the end, he asks for her number.

Each part of the interaction focuses on progressing her to the next step.

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